The SAT (Scholastic Ability Test) is a standardized test largely applicable for college admissions in the universities if United States.
The SAT is brand of college broad, a nonprofit organization in the USA. The test is organized and administered on recommendation of the College Board by the Educational Testing Service. The test is organized to evaluate students’ readiness for college.
The total scores on the SAT ranges from 200 to 800 for each section and combines test results ranging to 2400 point and the sections it includes are mathematics, and writing and critical reading.
There are altogether three major sections in SAT.: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. Each sections are evaluated under the score scale of 200-800 in which all scores are multiples of 10.
Mathematics: Average score 511 and duration 35 minutes. Its content includes Grammar, diction and usage.
Writing: Average score 484 and duration 69 minutes. Its content includes algebra and functions, geometry, statistics, probability, data analysis and number and operations.
Critical Reading: Average score 495 and duration 65 minutes. Its content includes critical reading, vocabulary and sentence level reading.